We believe in healing the human’s mind, body and soul through connecting with nature and horses.
Located in the Mooresville - Lake Norman area, Healing with Horses provides mindfulness-based counseling, leadership development and wellness services, with horses, centered on healing the wounds of trauma. Clients rediscover their own personal power, authenticity, and confidence.
Willow Equine provides counseling, team building and wellness services for teenagers and adults with an array of challenges and goals.
Soul to Sole Connection, a 501c3 organization, provides FREE counseling and wellness services to America’s military, veterans, first responders and their families.
We collaborate with freely moving horses to deepen the experiences, personalized insights, and outcomes. All services are ground-based; there is no riding or horsemanship. Horses' innate intuition and communication abilities teach clients valuable lessons. The horses meet us in the moment, as we are, creating heartfelt awareness. They respond to subtle shifts in energy and thoughts, which allows stories to unfold.
This gives clients the chance to "get out of their heads" and rewrite their narrative!

At Soul to Sole Connection and Willow Equine, we model our services on The Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (Eagala) and on Arenas for Change (Arch). These experiential frameworks allow our clients the latitude to discover, learn, and grow from the horse/human relationship. Our professional facilitators are Eagala Certified with their Military Designation and ARCH designated in mental health, coaching and the military.
Mental Health with Horses (aka Equine Assisted Psychotherapy or EAP) is a best practice model of therapy. It is a collaborative relationship between clients, horses, a mental health professional, and an equine specialist. Horses are highly attuned animals. The horses’ unique sensitivity aid clients to understand their own internal processes and create new perspectives.